Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Still searching and sorting

When I started off based on a mail from a friend, Mozilla Firefox was not any special browser for me - I just installed to see how it looks like. I still don’t feel it is fast. I have even felt that, left open for a long time, it gets slow to act. Still, by mistake I made it default. The standard ways of getting IE back has failed so far. I asked IE to check if it is the dafult browser everytime it starts up, so that I can re-enable it was defalut. It does not. I told Mozilla to. It also does not. Interesting.

True that Firefox is opensource based, Mozilla powered, even there is possibility that Google sponsors. And it has some cool features. Like the tabbed browsing. I don’t like so many windows opening. I still do a lot of browsing on the "mini screen" that pops up off deskbar. All the more, the select and right click for search is really cool. I like that. Like the MSDev users, I can just click a word, right click and do a google search. Now, that is called integration. Or call it a good lock-in feature. Users can get locked in.

But there are many internal official sites which are on MS SharePoint. No way to work on this using Firefox. At least it fails for me. I need to use IE for Sharepoint. But, again not just the Sharepoint. It is the same love I have for Google that I want to revert to less-Google IE!!! I am too much tied to Google search these days - to be specific desktop search. I just cannot believe I was working so long without this desktop search. Now every mail, every file, every piece of info, I just type on my deskbar and press CTRL+D. Well, that’s my customisation. It gets me all the mails (almost all, well) all web history (heres the catch) and all the files on disk, in a second or two.

But one big lack I have found with Google desktop is that I cannot force a rescan. I have to uninstall and reinstall. Since I still follow to be sorting guy, I sort my mails, but not as soon as it comes. Google scans this mail and later I move, putting Goooogle in trooouble. It shows the message from cache, but cannot locate back in Outlook. Moved or Deleted is what it can infer. Well, now I have all the details from the cache that I can use Outlook seach to locate the mail. Not a cool way though. The same way, it does not scan the archive folders. If the old mails get moved to Archives, Google reports them as lost.

To my great wonder, with all google integration on Firefox, Google desktop ignores Firefox history. That means you cannot search for pages you viewed using Firefox. Bad.

Well, it’s a beta, so this is what they have. I expect at least these few issues be solved by the time they get a full function version! I will continue my searching and sorting to get me my paychecks every month..

Some of the deskbar customisations I have done (type the input and press CTRL+---)
D - desktop search
Q - Qur'an search
M - M-W dictionary
T - M-W Thesaurus
I - TI Infolink site
S - Stock Quote (NYSE and NASDAQ) This is what I do followed by typing TXN every morning:)

Anymore suggestions?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not sure if you have seen this site:

This plug-in might be of interest to you:
TweakGDS: TweakGDS is a small utility that allows advanced customization of Google Desktop Search, as well as manual re-indexing.

Haven't tried it, so not sure if it works well.